Garantie und Service

Garantie und Service

Wir garantieren, dass die Ware bei Lieferung fehlerfrei ist. Solltest du eine defekte oder falsch gelieferte Ware erhalten, musst du dich schnellst möglich und spätestens 14 Tage nach Lieferung, wenn die Ware bei Lieferung beschädigt wurde, an unseren Kundenservice ( wenden Bei Reklamationen legst du den Rücksendeschein bei (wenn du ihn verloren hast, wende dich bitte an unseren Kundenservice) und gibst an, was der Fehler an der Ware ist. Casall bezahlt bei fehlerhaften Lieferungen und Reklamationen selbstverständlich den Versand.
Nur für ursprüngliche Fehler gilt das Reklamationsrecht, Fehler aufgrund von normalem Verschleiß sind nicht inbegriffen. Casall hält sich an Konsumentköplagen und verweist auf den Allgemeinen Reklamationsausschuss och svensk lag vid eventuell tvist.
- All our signature fabrics come with a durability guarantee of 200 washes for tights from our SS22 collection and onwards and for our Iconic Sports Bra from SS23 collection and onwards. All styles covered by the guarantee has information on their hang tag. If the product doesn’t keep a satisfactory look, fit, or feel after 200 washes, reach out to us and we will voucher you as per below scheme for a replacement, because we really do want you to be satisfied and comfortable with investing in Casall.
The guarantee is valid under normal personal usage and recommended care of the product, when not keeping a satisfactory look, fit or feel after 200 washes. The guarantee is valid independent of where the product was purchased. Using and washing a garment over time will eventually give slight changes to it, however we do see that it should still be at a satisfactory level from a customer point of view given the time of usage.
Cosmetic wear or damage resulting from improper handling or care, post-purchase modifications, alterations, carelessness, and use for a purpose other than for which it was designed, are not covered by the guarantee. Examples being, improper cleaning, damage from other equipment or factors, bad odour due to usage and lack of cleaning or stains from use.
Send pictures and your guarantee request to with article number (found at the care label). We will review the submitted request, determine if it falls under the guarantee and then revert with further information.
Tights: 300 SEK / 300 NOK / 200 DKK / 28 € / 26 CHF / ₤24
Sports bra: 150 SEK / 150 NOK / 100 DKK / 14 € / 13 CHF / ₤12
*Voucher valid at
As unparalleled experts we offer high-tech training equipment made to perform and designed to last. Supreme durability – which now comes with a guarantee.
Our best selling and best in test yoga mats, Yoga Mat Grip&Cushion III 5mm and Yoga Mat Position 4mm, are covered by our durability guarantee of 500 classes when purchased during 2023 and onwards. If the mat doesn’t keep a satisfactory performance after 500 classes, reach out to us and we will voucher you as per below scheme for a replacement, because we really do want you to be satisfied and comfortable with investing in Casall.
The guarantee is valid under normal personal usage and recommended care of the product, when not keeping a satisfactory performance after 500 classes, equalling approx. 5 years. The guarantee is valid independent of where the product was purchased. Using the mats over time will eventually give slight changes to it, however we do see that it should still be at a satisfactory level from a customer point of view given the time of usage.
Cosmetic wear or damage resulting from improper handling or care, post-purchase modifications, alterations, carelessness, and use for a purpose other than for which it was designed, are not covered by the guarantee. Examples being, use for other activities than yoga or similar activity, improper cleaning or storing/handling of the mat, damage from other equipment or factors, bad odour due to usage and lack of cleaning, discolouration, stains, or uneven colour patterns from use.
Send pictures and your guarantee request to, if possible refer to the product article number (found on packaging or website). We will review the submitted request, determine if it falls under the guarantee and then revert with further information.
Yoga Mat Position 4mm: 200 SEK / 200 NOK / 130 DKK / 17 € / 17 CHF / ₤16
Yoga Mat Grip&Cushion III 5mm: 400 SEK / 400 NOK / 260 DKK / 35 € / 35 CHF / ₤30
*Voucher valid at