Sport-bh guide

Sports Bra Guide

Hvilken sport-bh er riktig for meg?
Casall har et stort utvalg av sports-bh-modeller, hver med unike egenskaper. Din sports-bh bør føles riktig for deg. Vi anbefaler å jogge på stedet, hoppe og strekke seg når du prøver en sports-bh for å få en oppfatning av passformen.
The right support matters! Most women wear their bra with a band that’s too loose and a cup that’s too small. When it comes to a sports bra, most of the support should come from the band, not from straps that are too tight.
How can I find my size?
Start by measuring below your bust (B), as you can see on the image below. Then use the table to find your size. Some of our sport bras have sizes from 70-95 and some use XS-L sizes, you can easily transform your measurement to both variations by using the chart.
What is my cup size?
Measure the fullest part of your chest (A). You then deduct the (B) measurement from (A). For example, if your (A) measurement is 90 you then deduct 75 (B) you then get 15cm which means that you should have a B-cup as you can see in the table.
What Sports Bra is good for larger busts?
Even if you have small breast you still need to wear a sports bra when working out. There are no muscles in your breast . They’re supported only by skin and a network of ligaments. Breast sagging, which is irreversible, occurs when these ligaments are overstretched.
If you have large breasts you need the support of a great sports bra even more. We recommend that you use a high impact sports bra, that is made of tight materials, adjustable and wide shoulders straps helps to create the perfect fit and shaped cups in the sports bra can offer that extra support. We recommend two of our high impact sports bras, Our High Impact sports bra is available in sizes 70-95 and you can choose from B, C, D, E, F and G-cups.
Different activities require different levels of support. There’s no doubt that movement in yoga can be entirely different from movement in your gym workouts, so we designed specific support-systems for your asanas and your squats—and everything in between. We divide them in low, medium and high impact activities.
Low Impact Activities - what sports bra is good for yoga?
These bras were designed for lower impact activities, like yoga, pilates, power walking, and golf. They are made with focus on comfort and mobility and we often use soft materials.
Medium Impact Activities - what sports bra is good for the gym?
For medium impact activities, like gym, cycling, skiing, and core training, go for a medium impact sports bra. These bras are made from materials that offer great support and moisture management, they will keep you comfortable even when your pulse is at it's limits.
High Impact Activities - what sports bra is good for running?
These bras are designed for higher impact activity, with support and comfort as the main priorities. The materials used offer great support and moisture management to help you through the more intense sessions. These sport bras are perfect for running, Crossfit, and HIIT and if you have a larger bust that needs more support.
What are the most important features for you when it comes to choosing a sports bra? You can select your perfect bra based on size and adjustability of straps, feel and function of fabrics, and elastic widths—the possibilities really are infinite. This is why we’ve created a range of sports bras that cater to various wants and needs when it comes to choosing the right sports bra for your chosen activities.
Back solutions
Our sport bras feature different back solutions. Some don't like their sports bra to be visible under their top whereas others prefer a racerback and some u-shape.
Racerback - great for mobility!
Strap Solutions - let your bra be the star!
U-shape back -
Shoulder straps
Some bras feature wider straps for more support, and others have sporty straps in racerback and shoulder styles.
Adjustable shoulder straps - this is a great feature to secure a personilized fit.
Wide shoulder straps - great for extra support.
Thin Shoulder Straps -
Padding is great for extra cover and definition, we use light padding that has great moisture management qualities, so you still feel comfortable even when you get sweaty.
Larger bust? We got you covered!
Even if you have small breast you still need to wear a sports bra when working out. There are no muscles in your breast . They’re supported only by skin and a network of ligaments. Breast sagging, which is irreversible, occurs when these ligaments are overstretched.
If you have large breasts you need the support of a great sports bra even more. We recommend that you use a high impact sports bra, that is made of tight materials, adjustable and wide shoulders straps helps to create the perfect fit and shaped cups in the sports bra can offer that extra support. We recommend two of our high impact sports bras, Our High Impact Sports bra is available in sizes 70-95 and you can choose from B, C, D, E, F and G-cups.

Iconic Sports Bra
Mer enn 2 millioner kvinner har trent i vår bestselgende Iconic sports-BH som nå har blitt utnevnt til verdens første sports-BH med garantert levetid, i en forskningsstudie ved University of Portsmouth. En myk og komfortabel sports-BH som garanterer samme støtte selv etter 200 vask.
Iconic Sports Bra - White
549 NOK -
Iconic Sports Bra - Black
549 NOK -
Iconic Sports Bra - Evening Red
384 NOKAnbefalt pris 549 NOK

Middelintensiv trening
For middelsintensive treningsformer som treningssenter, sykling, skigåing og kjerne trening. Disse sports-BH-ene er laget av materiale som puster veldig bra og gir utmerket støtte, de vil la deg fokusere på treningen selv under pulshøyende treningsøkter.
Sleek Strappy Sports Bra - Dusty Green
384 NOKAnbefalt pris 549 NOK -
Wrap Sports Bra - White
699 NOK -
Seamless Rib Padded Sports Bra - Evening Red
384 NOKAnbefalt pris 549 NOK

Høyintensiv trening
Disse sports-BH-ene er utviklet for høyintensive aktiviteter, med støtte og komfort som høyeste prioritet. Vi bruker materialer som puster utmerket og gir ekstremt god støtte for å hjelpe deg gjennom de tøffere øktene. Sports-BH-er som passer perfekt til løping, Crossfit og HIIT-trening, samt til større bryster som krever mer støtte.
High Impact Sports Bra - Black
799 NOK -
Pulse Sports Bra - Black
699 NOK -
Impact Zip Sports Bra - Black
799 NOK
Fab facts about your breasts and training
- Når du trener uten en ordentlig sports-BH, kan brystene dine bevege seg sidelengs, innover og utover, opp og ned med opptil 20 centimeter.
- Det er ingen muskler i brystene dine. De støttes bare av hud og et nettverk av leddbånd som finnes i hele brystet og er festet til brystveggen. At brystene blir slappe, noe som er permanent, skyldes at disse leddbåndene er strukket ut.
- En vanlig BH reduserer brystbevegelsene med omtrent 35 %, mens en sports-BH reduserer bevegelsene med over 70 %.
- Sports-BH-er mister elastisiteten over tid. Akkurat som treningssko, må de byttes ut regelmessig.
- Forskjellige aktiviteter - og kroppsbygninger - krever forskjellige typer støtte. Casall har løsninger som oppfyller de fleste behov.
For mer informasjon og hjelp til å finne riktig sports-BH, kom og snakk med våre sports-BH-eksperter i butikken på Grev Turegatan.